The giant Norwegian bulk consortia of gearbulk and Star Shipping have been in business for over 40 years, and both were set-up by three well-known shipping companies. In contrast, the British bulk consortia of Seabridge, Celtic Bulk Carriers, Scanscot and others of the 1960s were much shorter lived, Seabridge having operated for only 19 years between 1965 and 1984.
The gearbulk consortium was set-up in 1968 by Kristian Gerhard Jebsen a/S, J. Ludwig Mowinckels a/S and the Anglo- French group of Louis Dreyfus/Buries Markes. The objective was to operate bulk carriers equipped with two Munck gantry cranes in the forestry product trades. Four bulk carriers of 24,800 dwt were ordered in 1968, one pair from the Belfast yard of Harland & Wolff Ltd., and the other pair from the Middlesbrough yard of Smith’s Dock Co. Ltd. The first of the Belfast pair was launched on 22nd January 1970 as La Pampa for Buries Markes Ltd. and was completed in May, 1970, and the second was launched on 6th May 1970 as Bulk Eagle for Kriship Shipping Co. Ltd. (K. g. Jebsen a/S) and completed in September of that year. The Tees-built pair were completed for J. Ludwig Mowinckels a/S as Heina and Lista in 1970, and all four had black hulls with ‘GEAR-BULK’ painted boldly in white and black funnels with the white ‘g’ gearbulk logo. All were of the open hatch type of 17,180 grt and their diesel engines gave a good service speed of 15.5 knots. Bulk Eagle was initially managed by Buries Markes Ltd., and then in 1974 was renamed Eagle arrow by Jebsen to begin their new ‘arrow’ nomenclature.
Toki Arrow, Kiwi Arrow and Tsuru Arrow of 38,600 dwt followed in 1973/74 from the Mitsui yard in Japan for Jebsen, their later sisters being Falcon arrow and Swan arrow of 1977, Nandu arrow of 1979 and raven arrow of 1981. Six very similar ships of 40,000 dwt were completed during 1984/86 as Bergen arrow, Cormorant arrow, Hawk arrow, ibis arrow, osprey arrow and Tern arrow. These open hatch bulkers traded world-wide, and loaded forestry products most often at West Coast ports of Canada and the USA for the Far East, and were managed at Hong Kong by the indo-China S.N. Co. Ltd. of Jardine, Matheson. Open Hatch Gantry Crane (OHGC) bulkers have no need of port facilities, as the arms of the top of the gantry slide far enough out from the side of the ship to unload into waiting lorries. Gearbulk has 40% of the world OHGC market, their fellow Norwegian Star consortium also having 40% of the world market.
The other two partners in gearbulk of J. Ludwig Mowinckels a/S and Louis Dreyfus/ Buries Markes Ltd. contributed 32 similar bulk carriers fitted with two gantry cranes during the 15 year period from 1970 to 1985. The Mowinckel ships were Heina, Lista, Ogna, Egda, Grena, Strinda, Molda, Horda, Folga, Lista (2) and Heina (2). The Anglo-French ships were La Pampa, La Ensanada, Gerard L.D., Louis L.D., Alain L.D., Jean L.D., La Cordillera, La Costa, La Primavera, La Estancia, La Sierra, Charles L.D., Pierre L.D., Charles L.D. (2), Alain L.D. (2), Francois L.D., Monique L.D., Chelsfield, Harefield, Petersfield and Westfield.

In 1990, the Louis Dreyfus group pulled out of the consortium, and sold four owned bulkers and the ownership interest in six more bulkers operated in gearbulk to Jebsen. They had held a 25% share in the consortium, as did J. Ludwig Mowinckels, which was sold in March 1991 to Jebsen, both being based in Bergen. Gearbulk operated a pool of between 55 and 60 ships at this time, of which 41 were open hatch forestry product bulk carriers. A month afterwards, in April 1991 the giant Mitsui O.S.K. shipping company of Japan took a 25% interest in gearbulk, which was increased two years later to 40%, Jebsen then held the remaining 60%. Gearbulk had three totally enclosed forestry carriers on order with the Tamano yard of Mitsui at the time, which were completed in 1991/92 as grouse arrow, Mozu Arrow and Swift Arrow. They can easily be mistaken for car carriers, but in fact their cargoes are forestry products e.g. newsprint and pulp, which is kept weather protected and dry under charter to Oji Paper on voyages from Canada to Japan. Two concealed gantry cranes operate sideways through side ports. Gearbulk also operate many bulk carriers of around 50,000 dwt equipped with four pedestal cranes to compete in the aluminium, granite, scrap metal, steel, pipes, project cargo, coal, grain, iron ore, phosphates and all types of other bulk trades. Nine such Fleximax ships were completed during 1996/97 as Pine arrow, Toucan arrow, Mandarin arrow, Emu arrow, grebe arrow, Kite arrow, Penguin arrow, Plover arrow and Weaver arrow, and were financed by a $175 million share issue.
The gearbulk fleet was increased in Appals Arrow class of 42,150 dwt and four of the Avocet Arrow class of 39,300 dwt. They replaced 11 of the early ships built in the 1970s, and retired around the Millennium. A further dozen purchased ships in the 38,000 to 47,000 dwt range joined the fleet in 2004, and included Eagle arrow (2). Three new ships of 47,800 dwt had also joined the fleet at this time as Cedar arrow, Spruce arrow and Poplar arrow. Kristian Gerhard Jebsen Skips Rederi currently operate over 70 bulk carriers in gearbulk, and have 600 shore staff located in their headquarters in Bergen and in a further 25 offices located all over the world. Gearbulk Holding Ltd. is registered as a company in Bermuda, and several vessels of 71,200 dwt were delivered during 2009 and 2010, each equipped with two 70-tonne gantry cranes to serve eight holds. Gearbulk has longterm contracts with 70 shippers between North America and South America – it’s principal markets – as well as in Australasia, South East Asia and the Far East, the Middle East, South Africa and Europe. They also took over the breakbulk service of BHP Billiton of Australia in 2002 to W. Coast U.S.A. and Canada using seven chartered ships.

Star Shipping A/S
The Star Shipping a/S consortium was set up in 1961 by H. Westful-Larsen a/S of Bergen, a/S Billabong of Bergen and the Blandford Shipping Co. Ltd., a British subsidiary of Fred. Olsen of Oslo, each holding a one-third interest. Olsen took delivery of the bulker Brissac in 1961, and Westfal-Larsen took delivery in 1965 of three bulkers of 24,600 dwt in Falkanger, Fjellanger and Fossanger, and equipped with one Munck gantry crane. Seven forestry product carriers equipped with two Munck gantry cranes were then ordered for delivery in 1968/69 as Star Columbia, Star Cariboo, Star Atlantic, Star Davanger, Star Heranger, Star Malmanger and Star Taranger. They also chartered four bulkers from Greek owners, and four bulkers from the British tramp companies of Walter Runciman, r. S. Dalgleish and France, Fenwick, which were completed as Star Acadia, Star Assyria, Starworth and Star Pinewood. Star Boxford of 29,250 dwt was completed by the Bergens M.V. yard in 1973 for Blandford at a cost of $7.7 million. Fred. Olsen also purchased two of the chartered British ships, renaming them Star Bulford and Star Blackford.
in 1988, the Olsen contribution to the Star Shipping consortium was two ships, the larger being Star Denver of 43,800 dwt built in 1978, but they pulled out of the consortium shortly afterwards. In 1990, Star was operating a fleet of 50 owned and chartered bulkers, which had increased to 60 ships by the Millennium, with 36 ships owned equally by a/S Billabong and Westfal-Larsen a/S. Today, the Star Shipping consortium is also still very much in business with a fleet of 70 owned or chartered bulkers, including 40 open hatch bulkers, and all with a ‘Star’ prefix to their names. They are managed by Westfal-Larsen from Bergen and owned jointly by Masterbulk (Pte) Ltd., wholly owned by the Westfal-Larsen family, and Grieg Shipping a/S and Grieg Billabong a/S, wholly owned by the Grieg family. Their funnel colours are yellow with two blue stars on a white panel with blue top and bottom edges. A forestry products terminal is owned at Squamish in British Columbia. Star Shipping remains as the marketing name, but from June 2008 the fleet was split between the two owning families to take advantage of very high freight rates.

The Seabridge consortium was formed in 1965 in response to a demand for large bulk carriers by Silver Line, Bibby Line, Britain Steamship Co. Ltd., Horace Clarkson & Co. Ltd. and was later joined by C.T. Bowring, Houlder Brothers and Huntings of Newcastle. Silver Line director Derek Hall was appointed to manage the new company, which was based at Palmerston House in London. Fixed rate long-term charters were negotiated by the individual shipowners with Seabridge, which then negotiated Contracts of affreightment for many millions of tons of cargo with world-wide shippers such as British Steel Corporation (BSC) and the American, Japanese and Australian steel businesses. The new style Contracts of affreightment replaced the traditional voyage and time charters, with each shipowner having to give three years notice of withdrawal from Seabridge due to their long-term nature.
The funnel colours of the individual shipowners in Seabridge were retained as there was no logo or colours of the consortium. Their bulkers provided much employment for British seafarers carrying iron ore to British ports in competition with those from Norwegian shipowners such as Bergesen, and Japanese shipowners such as Mitsui or N.Y.K. Tower Bridge of 1965 owned by Silver Line was the first bulker to enter Seabridge service, and many of their eventual 25-ship fleet with `Bridge’ suffixes to their name started arriving at Port Talbot and Redcar, including the Bibby-owned Atlantic Bridge, Pacific Bridge, ocean Bridge, and Westminster Bridge. Gallic Bridge (H.Clarkson) and Chelsea Bridge (Silver Line) were frequently seen discharging at Port Talbot, having arrived from Dampier (Australia), Port Cartier or Seven islands (Canada), Vitoria (Brazil) or Pepel (Sierra Leone). Chelsea Bridge was of 105,700 dwt and had been built at Aioi in Japan in 1967 as Sigsilver, and was notable for having very short bridge wings. Ocean Bridge suffered a massive explosion and fire aft on 8th March 1971 on a ballast voyage from Rotterdam to Pepel. She had stopped to help a BP tanker in distress and the explosion in the aft no. 9 hold blew a hole sixty feet by forty feet in her starboard side and destroyed her pump room with the resultant fire also destroying her bridge superstructure. She was eventually towed into Huelva by tugs and after repairs at Gibraltar and Marseilles was towed to the Clyde in October 1971 for rebuilding by the Scott Lithgow group at a cost of £2.5 million.

Houlder Brothers Orotava of 51,500 dwt was completed in early 1968 by Sunderland Shipbuilders Ltd. for ore Carriers Ltd. Her maiden voyage was with grain to the U.K. followed by iron ore charters to Broken Hill Pty of Australia and to Japanese steelmakers. She joined the Seabridge consortium as Orotava Bridge on 22nd June 1969 and was a frequent caller at Port Talbot from Seven islands or Port Cartier in Canada. When less ore was required at Port Talbot due to fluctuations in demand she would be sub-chartered to the German Krupp steel group for voyages to Rotterdam. Houlder Brothers withdrew from Seabridge in 1974 and she reverted to her Orotava name, and operated on a three year charter to British Steel until 1977 and then took the Houlder traditional name of Ripon Grange and was sold to Greek owners in 1980. Her larger fleetmate Orenda Bridge of 137,500 dwt was completed at Sunderland in March 1972 for ore Carriers Ltd. on charter to the Seabridge consortium but never carried ore to British smelters. Instead she ran to Japan usually with Australian iron ore, but on occasion she could not make the contract speed of 14.5 knots. Her Doxford oil engine was similar to that fitted into the tanker North Sands of 1966 but was up-rated with a lot more power, but ultimately her Japanese charter had to be terminated. Later she came ‘off charter’ to Seabridge and was laid-up in Loch Striven in April 1977 until her sale to Greek owners in October 1978.
In 1973 Silver Line acquired Seabridge Shipping Services Ltd., the managing company of Seabridge, whose directors included r. g. Crawford of Silver Line, and L. C. Hunting and J. o. H. Dawson of Huntings. At that time, Silver Line had seven large bulkers in service with the consortium representing an investment of just less than 1 million tonnes deadweight. The Seabridge fleet was one of the biggest bulk fleets in the world at 3 million tonnes deadweight, with the total of cargo shipped each year exceeding 20 million tonnes. However Houlder Brothers and Horace Clarkson gave notice of withdrawal, and when Bibby Line withdrew in 1977 Silver Line was left as the sole remaining partner in Seabridge. Their Silver Bridge, Spey Bridge, Eden Bridge and Erskine Bridge continued on British Steel and other charters until the first pair were sold in 1979, with Eden Bridge sold in 1981, and Spey Bridge traded until 1984 after completing 15 years service under that name.

Celtic Bulk Carriers
The Celtic Bulk Carriers pool was formed jointly by William Reardon Smith & Sons Ltd. of Cardiff and Irish Shipping Ltd. in 1973. It lasted until 1985 using 15 Reardon Smith bulkers with ‘City’ suffixes to their names, and a dozen Irish Shipping bulkers with ‘Irish’ prefixes to their names. also, Irish Star and Irish Stardust of 29,030 dwt and completed at Cork in 1970 operated on charter to the Star Shipping consortium for up to eight years. The Celtic Bulk pool failed in 1985 due to expensive chartering-in of bulk carriers at the top of the freight market. Large charters had been obtained for British Columbian timber to the U.K., and steel exports to the U.S.A. from Antwerp and Middlesbrough. Vancouver City caught fire in her timber and wood pulp cargo in 1974 en-route to Cardiff from Vancouver. She diverted to Falmouth where fire-fighters struggled to contain the blaze, and she moved round to Cardiff to unload part of the cargo and find the seat of the fire, and she was then repaired on the Continent.
Scanscot was founded in 1967 by Scandinavian shipowners e.g. Brostrom and Scottish shipowners e.g. J. & J. Denholm with a fleet of 20 open hatch bulk carriers in the range 25,000 to 35,000 dwt to carry lumber and wood products from British Columbia to Europe. Denholm later participated in the Atlantic Bulkers pool, an international handy size bulker pool of up to 35,000 dwt, using two owned bulkers.

Hogarth and Lyle
Two other Scottish shipowners, Hogarth and Lyle, also formed a joint bulker pool in 1968 and obtained many contracts in Australian waters for the carriage of pyrites, concentrates, coal, timber and phosphates. However none of these British bulker pools have been as long lasting as gearbulk and Star Shipping of Norway.

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