December’s unknown ship brought only a few replies most of whom identified her as the Broughty.
The winner of the December competition was Derick Goubert of Guernsey.

Alan Blackwood writes:
This month’s unknown is the 504 grt steam coaster Broughty, launched by the Larne Shipbuilding Company at Larne on 18th May 1921. During her fitting out however, her builder went into liquidation. Broughty was therefore taken to Scott & Sons at Bowling for completion and delivered to the Dundee, Perth & London Shipping Co. Ltd. some five months later. With overall dimensions of 166’01” x 25’04” x 9’07” her main machinery consisted of an 84 HP triple expansion engine constructed by Wm. Beardmore & Co. of Glasgow, returning a maximum trials speed of 9 knots. She had the misfortune to become stranded on the Abertay Sands, on the Firth of Tay during 3rd November 1921 whilst inbound from Hull during her maiden voyage. During 1925 she was fitted with tanks for northbound carriage from the Thames of spindle oil for Dundee’s jute industry, or from Hull with linseed oil for the linoleum manufacturing industry at Kirkaldy. On southbound voyages, from time to time she carried base materials for ink manufacture. These cargoes called for the installation of steam heating coils in the tanks and they were served accordingly by two deck mounted steam pumps for discharge of the liquids. Broughty suffered further misfortune when she struck the pier at Kirkaldy on 23rd November 1927 whilst entering the port and subsequently sank. She was refloated and later repaired at Leith. She survived WWII and after 30 years service was sold out of the Company during May 1951 to the Glasgow based J & A Gardner & Co., when renamed Saint Ronaig. Whilst on passage from Garston to Westport, County Mayo with a cargo of coal and salt, during 14th December 1955 she ran ashore on Saddle Rock at Torcar Point, South of Torr Head, Co. Antrim. She was abandoned as a total loss and later sold for demolition.

Charles Traill writes:
I think the steam coaster illustrated is Coppack Bros. Hove which, if memory serves me correctly, dated from 1913.

Mike Goadby writes:
This month’s unknown ship is the 504 grt steamship Broughty, built for The Dundee, Perth and London Shipping Co. by the Larne Shipbuilding Co., Larne. This ship builder went into liquidation and the vessel was completed by Scott & Sons, Bowling, Glasgow in 1921. On the 3.11.21 she was stranded on Abertay Sands while inbound from Hull. On the 23.11.1927 she sank at Kirkaldy, Fife, after striking the pier. She was refloated and taken to Leith for repairs and was sold to J &A Gardner and renamed St. Ronaig. On 4.12.1956 she ran ashore at Tor Head, Co. Antrim while on passage from Garston to Westport, Co. Mayo with a cargo of coal and salt. She was abandoned as a total loss and sold for demolition. Doug Burn writes: I think the December mystery ship is the Broughty (1) owned by Dundee, Perth & London Shipping Co. Ltd. (1921-1951). O.N.144705, she was completed by Scott and Sons at Bowling having been launched by Larne Shipbuilding Co which had gone into liquidation on 3/11/1921. She was 500grt, 200nrt, and dimensions of 166.1ft x 25.3ft x 9.6ft. She stranded on Abertay Sands on her maiden voyage on 23/11/1927. She sank at Kirkcaldy after striking the pier and was refloated and taken to Leith for repairs. In 1951 she was sold to J & A Gardner of Glasgow and renamed St Ronaig. In 1955 she ran ashore at Todd Head on a passage from Garston to Westport with coal and salt. She was abandoned as a total loss and sold for demolition.

Derick Goubert writes:
December’s unknown ship is Dundee, Perth and London’s Broughty, built by Scott & Sons of Bowling in 1921, 504 grt 200nrt 166.1 x25.3 x9.6 feet T3cy by Wm. Beardmore & Co. Ltd., Glasgow 84nhp. She was originally launched by Larne SB Co. which had gone into liquidation. On 3.11.21 she stranded on Abertay Sands on her maiden voyage. On 23.11.27 she sank at Kirkcaldy after striking the pier. She was refloated and repaired at Leith. In 5.51 she was sold to J & A Gardner & Co. Ltd. and renamed St Ronaig. On 14.12.55 she was wrecked at Torr Head, Co. Antrim, and became a total loss.

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