March’s unknown ship brought many replies all of whom identified her as the Eminence.
The winner of the March competition was John Matheson of Stornoway
AD Frost writes:
March’s Unknown Ship is London and Rochester Trading’s (Crescent) mv Eminence, built in 1969 by Goole Shipbuilding. In 1984 she became Mary C., 1988 Lady Mary, 1992 Millie C. Her existence is doubtful.
Peter Sommerville writes:
I think the coaster depicted in the March edition is the Eminence (999 grt), built in Goole in 1969 for the London & Rochester Trading Co. (Crescent Shipping). She was sold in 1984 become the Mary C then Lady Mary in 1988 and Millie C in 1992. I am unable to trace her history any further am unaware of her demise.
Malcolm Hooley writes:
I think the unknown ship in your March 2018 edition is Crescent Shipping’s m/v Eminence, IMO 6910441. She became the Mary C in 1984 Lady Mary in 1988 and Millie C in 1992.
Mike Goadby writes:
This month’s unknown ship is the 999grt MV Eminence built by Goole Shipbuilders Ltd. in 1969 for the London & Rochester Trading Co. Ltd. Powered by an 8cyl Lister Blackstone. She was re-engine in 1977 with a Mirrles Blackstone, 8cyl 4sa oil engine. In 1984 the vessel was sold to Carisbrooke Shipping Ltd., Cowes and renamed Mary C. In 1988 she was sold to Andrean Shipping Ltd., Limassol, Cyprus (Thomas Watson Shipping Ltd., Rochester), and renamed Lady Mary. In 1991 she was damaged while aground at Dundalk and declared CTL. She was sold to Haven Marine Ltd., Pembroke Dock for demolition. In 1991 she was sold to Clive A Clarke, Bridgetown, Barbados, repaired and returned to service. In 1992 she was sold to Millie Shipping, Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, renamed Millie C and registered in San Lorenzo, Honduras. In 2009 she was still registered with Lloyds. While with L.R.T.C. she was employed on the Ayr/Preston to the East Yelland power station service with her running mate Crescence in which I was 2nd mate. I also served in her predecessor Eminence (1) 1945, and Gardience (1) 1945 both employed in the general tramping trades.
Alan Blackwood writes:
This month’s ‘unknown’ is the 999 grt Eminence, completed on 3rd March 1969 by the Goole Shipbuilding & Repairing Co. Ltd. for The London & Rochester Trading Company Ltd. of Rochester and the second vessel to be so named by the Company. Her earliest operations, together with fleetmates Quiescence and Crescence were centred on the shipment of 5,000 tons of coal per week from the lower Firth of Clyde port of Ayr to Devon’s East Yelland Power Station. Eminence was later quoted by her owner’s Finance Director as having been the Company’s biggest ever money spinner.
With overall dimensions of 222′ x 38’8″ x 16’3″ (moulded depth) and a maximum draught of 13’10”, her main propulsion machinery initially comprised an 8 cylinder, 4 stroke single acting 1,000 bhp oil engine, reverse geared to produce a speed of 10.5 knots, constructed by Lister Blackstone Marine Ltd., Dursley, but replaced during 1977 with an 8 cylinder 4 stroke single acting unit by Mirrlees Blackstone (Stamford) Ltd.
On 2nd November 1984 the vessel was sold to Carisbrooke Shipping Ltd. of Cowes, when renamed Mary C, and her PoR transferred to Cowes the following month. During 1988 she was sold on to Andrean Shipping Ltd., Limassol when renamed Lady Mary and Thomas Watson Shipping Ltd. of Rochester appointed managers.
On 25th January 1991 the vessel was damaged whilst aground at Dundalk, such that she was declared a C.T.L. and sold to Haven Marine Ltd., Pembroke Dock for demolition. Later however resold to Clive A. Clarke of Bridgetown, Barbados for repair and return to service, when remeasured at 972 grt and PoR retained as Limassol. In 1992 she was sold to Millie Shipping S. de R.L. of Port of Spain, Trinidad & Tobago when renamed Millie C and registered at the Honduran port of San Lorenzo. It is recorded that on 7th July 2009 the vessel remained listed on the Lloyds Register. Disposition thereafter regrettably not established.
Doug Burn writes:
I think the mystery ship is the Eminence owned by Crescent Shipping, London and Rochester. Built by Goole Shipbuilders in 1969. Dimensions were 999grt 1,656dwt. Length 67.7m x 11.8m She was sold in 1984 and became Mary C. Sold again in1988 became Lady Mary. Sold again in 1992 became Millie C. After this time no mention of ship, however she could still be trading today???
Dave Haxell writes:
This month’s mystery ship is the Eminence owned by the London & Rochester Trading Company.
Launched on the 5th February 1969 at the yard of the Goole Shipbuilders (yard No 565) she was completed within a month. She has a length of 220 ft. and a breadth of 39ft. Having a gross tonnage of 999 tons and deadweight of 1,656 tons she had 2 holds, serviced by 2 hatches which meant a grain capacity of 2,218 cu. ft. and a bale capacity of 2.056 cu. ft. Powered by an oil burning 4SA 8Cyl Lister Blackstone engine giving a service speed of 10 ½ knots she had a total bunker capacity of 71 tons of diesel oil and carried 521 tons of water ballast. A well fitted ship with direction finder, echo sounder, radar and a medium range radio telephone, with a call sign of GZJH she was sold in 1984 to Carisbrooke Shipping of Cowes and renamed Mary C. She was renamed Lady Mary on sale to Andrean Shipping of Limassol in 1988, a name she retained on sale to Clive A. Clark, also of Limassol, in 1991. Finally she was renamed Millie C when registered to Millie Shipping of San Lorenzo in Honduras in 1992.
John Jordan writes:
This ship is one of London and Rochester Trading Company’s vessels. She is the 1600t MV Eminence built in 1969 by the Goole ship building Company. The company also know as Crescent Shipping was founded in the mid 1800’s and were owners in their time to over 200 vessels from barges to a variety of small coasters. Eminence was one of their biggest vessels and was a 10.5 knotter propelled by a Lister Blackstone diesel at 500 BHP.
John Matheson writes:
The Unknown Ship in the March edition is the Eminence of Crescent Shipping, built in 1969 at Goole.
John Chitty writes:
I believe this month’s unknown vessel to be the Crescent Shipping of Rochester (London & Rochester Trading Co. Ltd.) mv. Eminence, built in 1969 by the Goole Shipbuilding and Repair Co. Ltd., as yard no 565, dimensions of 999 grt., 1656 dwt., loa. 67.7m., beam 11.8m.
Ownership changed to Carisbrooke Shipping in 1984 being renamed Mary C. This changed in 1988 to Lady Mary under T. Watson of Rochester ownership. She was finally passed on in 1992 to Millie Shipping of Trinidad & Tobago with a change of name to Millie C and change of flag to Honduras, registered in San Lorenzo. It would seem that she is still trading in the Caribbean.
Peter Harris writes:
This month’s unknown ship is without doubt the only one of her class, The Eminence of London and Rochester, Crescent Shipping. Built 1969 by Goole Shipping. 999grt, 1630dwt. She remained in the fleet until 1984 when sold to Carisbrooke shipping. Then followed various other owners and is still in Lloyds register.
Derick Goubert writes:
March’s unknown ship is London & Rochester Trading Co. Ltd.’s Eminence, built at Goole in 1969, yard No 565. Loa 220 ft., beam 39 ft., draft 13 ft.10 in. Grt 999, Nrt 693, Dwt 1,630, powered by a 8 cy Blackstone engine. She was re-engined in 1977 with the same type of engine. On 2-11-84 she was sold to Carisbrooke Shipping Ltd., Cowes renamed Mary C. In 1988 she was sold to Andrean Shipping Ltd., Limassol, Cyprus and renamed Lady Mary and managed by Thomas Watson Shipping Ltd., Rochester. O 25-1-91 she was damaged aground at Dundalk and sold to Haven Marine at Pembroke Dock for scrap. In 1991 she was sold to Clive A Clarke, Bridgetown, Barbados, repaired and returned to service. In 1992 she was sold to Millie Shipping S. de R.L., Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago and renamed Millie C., registered in San Lorenzo, Honduras. She was still trading in 2009.
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