June’s unknown ship brought many replies most of whom identified her as the Alfred Jones.
The winner of the June 2018 competition was Peter Harris of Peterhead.
John Chitty writes:
First impressions on opening the unknown ship page was that this was a functional, between the wars, motor-ship typical of the Elder Dempster line, this being confirmed when the surfboats stowed on the poop deckhouse were observed. Investigations indicated that the vessel in question was one of a class of 8 built around 1930s for the British and African Steam Navigation Co. Ltd., (part of Elder Dempster) and named after African benefactors/explorers/businessmen (i.e. David Livingston, Mary Slessor, William Wilberforce etc.).
I believe the vessel in question to be the m.v. Alfred Jones (off. no. 162322) built by Harland & Wolff’s Govan yard as yard no. 868 being launched on 29/04/1930. Vessel dimensions being, length 370.6ft., breadth 51.6 ft., depth 20.1 ft., GRT 4,022, NRT 2,155. Engine was a B&W 8 cylinder oil engine built by H&W giving 652 NHP. Driving a single screw giving a speed of 12.5 knots.
In 1935 ownership was changed within Elder Dempster group to the African Steamship Co. Ltd. On 8th May 1941 vessel sailed from Liverpool as commodore vessel of convoy OB-320. The convoy dispersed on 14th May with subject vessel proceeding independently to Freetown/Bathurst with her cargo of aircraft, lorries and steel. On 1st June when 140 miles WSW of Freetown the vessel was hit by 3 torpedoes fired by U-107 (Commander Günter Hessler) sinking within 30 minutes. Of the complement of 76 on board, 14 were lost, the survivors being picked up by HMS Marguerite K-54 later being landed at Freetown. It would seem that commander Hessler believed the vessel to be a Q-ship.
Alfred Jones was a senior figure within Elder Dempsters and Independent businesses within Africa.
A. D. Frost writes:
June’s Mystery Ship is British & African Steam Navigation/Elder Dempster mv Alfeed Jones, one of the Explorer class heavy lifter motor ships built on the Clyde by Harland & Wolff in 1930. Unfortunately she was torpedoed and sunk by U-107 on 01.06.1941 while on a voyage from Liverpool to Freetown.
Ronald Henderson writes:
I believe the vessel is the motor vessel Alfred Jones, built by Harland & Wolff Ltd. in 1930 for British & African Steam Navigation Co. Ltd. – Elder Dempster & Co. Ltd., Liverpool. On 1st June 1941 she was torpedoed by U-107 off the west coast of Africa on a voyage from the River Mersey to Africa.
Ray Purdy writes:
I think this month’s mystery ship is the David Livingston, built 1930 by A. McMillian & Son, Dumbarton. Tonnage 4,022 grt / 2175 net. Length 370.6 ft, breadth 51.6 ft, depth 20.1 ft. Engines by Harland & Wolff Ltd., Govan. Oil Engine 4SCSA 8 Cyl. First Owner: British & African Steam Navigation Co. Ltd. – Elder Dempster & Co. Ltd., Liverpool. Second Owner 1935 Elder Dempster Lines Ltd., Liverpool. Broken up 1953 by T.W. Ward Ltd. at Grays, Essex.
Peter Harris writes:
This ship is similar to a large class of ships built for Elder Dempster starting with the D class in 1927 built by A. McMillan, Dumbarton. Six ships. This then developed into the Explorer class of eight ships built in various yards in Scotland 4,022grt. I think this vessel is the Alfred Jones built by Harland Wolff, Glasgow in 1930 She was sunk in June 1941 by U107 off Freetown.
Alan Dean writes:
The photo of this month’s Unknown Ship appealed to me immediately as I was Purser on her final voyageto West Africa and also on a voyage to the breakers Eckhardt & Co. at Hamburg in 1958. The vessel is Deido. Between 1927 and 1928 four ‘D’ class vessels were built for the British and African Steamship Company at Millan’s yard at Dumbarton and the fifth, Deido, was built at the Ardrossan Dockyard as yard no. 377 in 1928 for the Afriacn Steamship Company. Both were predecessors of Elder Dempster Lines. I was later appointed to the new Deido. For the record, I did the last coasting voyage on Freetown, also of 1928, and her later namesake Freetown of 1964. Of the five ‘D’ class only Deido survived WWII. The giveaway to the identity of the ship was the short funnel which was later heightened.
Alan Blackwood writes:
This month’s ‘unknown’ is the 4,022 grt single screw shelter deck motorship Alfred Jones, the last of seven identical vessels of a series of eight (with the eighth, whilst fundamentally similar, modified for the carriage of mainly railway locomotives and rolling stock).
The octet, referenced by their owners as their ‘Explorer Class’, was built to the order of the Elder Dempster group of companies and whose construction was shared equally between four Clyde Shipbuilders. Alfred Jones was named after a junior partner who joined the business at the behest of Messrs. A. Elder & J. Dempster during 1879, but singularly successful, later rose to Senior partner, effectively controlling the group’s entire business interests until his 1909 death. The vessel was completed at Harland & Wolff’s Govan yard during September 1930 and registered to the ownership of the British & African Steam Navigation Co. Ltd., with PoR Liverpool. Laid up at Dartmouth during 1932, following the breakup of the Royal Mail Group as a consequence of the Kylsant debacle, her registered ownership was transferred on 1st January 1935 to Elder Dempster Lines Ltd. With overall dimensions of 370.6 x 51.6 x 20.1 feet, her propulsion machinery consisted of a Burmeister & Wain type 8 cylinder four stroke single acting oil engine of 652 nhp., by her builders at their Glasgow Finnieston engine works, to produce a speed of 12.5 knots. She featured accommodation for 12 passengers in six double berth cabins.
During 27th October 1940 whilst in British coastal convoy BB234 in a position some 150 miles W x N of Islay, her bows were severely damaged by Luftwaffe bombing with the loss of 11 lives. She reached the Clyde under escort for repairs. On 1st June 1941 whilst on voyage from Liverpool to Takoradi in (dispersed) Convoy OB320 with a cargo of aircraft and military stores and in a position approximately 150 miles west of Freetown, she was attacked initially with a salvo of two torpedoes by U107, which failed to sink her. A third torpedo fired one hour later caused her capsize when she sank by the head. German reports state that 14 crew lost their lives in the attack, with the ship’s Master, Convoy Commodore, 6 Naval staff, 38 crew, 4 gunners and 12 passengers picked up by the corvette HMS Marguerite and landed at Freetown.
Bob Blowers writes:
The unknown ship this month is the M.V. Alfred Jones completed in 1930 at Harland and Wolff, Govan, Glasgow for the British & African Steam Navigation Co. Ltd. division of Elder Dempster Line, Liverpool. She was a relatively small four-hatch general cargo ship of 4,022 Gross Tons with a length of 370 ft and a breadth of 51’ 6”. She had a single H&W 8-cylinder oil engine giving her a reasonable turn of speed of 12.5 knots. She also had accommodation for 12 passengers.
Designed for navigating the creeks of the West African trade she was one of seven sister ships built in Glasgow and all named after persons who had distinguished themselves in connection with Africa. For example, sister ships were named after David Livingstone (Missionary/Explorer) and William Wilberforce (anti slave trade campaigner).
The ship Alfred Jones was named after the former businessman and owner of Elder Dempster Line, Alfred Lewis Jones and who was described by the famous editor, W T Stead, as the “uncrowned King of West Africa”.
Regrettably during WW2 on the 1st June 1941 while carrying a cargo of RAF planes, lorries and steel from Liverpool to West Africa, she was hit by three torpedoes from U107 and sunk 140 miles south west of Freetown. 14 crew members were lost but the rest of the ship’s complement , naval staff and passengers were picked up by HMS Marguerite and landed at Freetown.
Peter Sommerville writes:
This month’s ship is the Elder Dempster cargo liner Alfred Jones (4,022g) which was one of eight vessels know as the Explorer class. She was originally built for British & African Steam Navigation Co. Ltd. by Harland & Wolff Ltd., Glasgow transferring to ED in 1935. In 1941 she was sunk by U107 while on a voyage from Liverpool to Takoradi with a cargo of aircraft and military stores, two crew members lost the lives.
Doug Burn writes:
The June mystery ship is the Alfred Jones, built at Harland & Wolff Ltd., Glasgow for British & African Steam Nav. Co., Liverpool.
Dimensions 370.6ft x 51.6ft x 20.1ft, tonnage 2,155n, 4,022g, 56,50 d.
Completed September 1930, laid up Dartmouth 1932.
On 1st January 1935 she was transferred to Elder Dempster Ltd.
In 1940 she was bombed by aircraft escorted to the Clyde under escort.
In 1941 she was sunk by U107 on voyage from Liverpool to Takoradi.
John Tippett writes:
I think this is the Alfred Jones, 5,013tons, Elder Dempster Line, Liverpool, built in 1930 by Harland & Wolff, Glasgow.
She was attacked on1st June 1941 and sunk by U-107, 76 were onboard, 14 were killed and 62 survived. She was on a voyage from Ellesmere Port to Feetown & Bathhurst and went down off the West coast of Africa. Great magazine.
Gerald Dodd writes:
I believe that June’s unknown ship is the William Wilberforce, built in 1930 by D & W Henderson and Sons, Glasgow, for the Elder Dempster Line of Liverpool. She was one of a class of ships called the explorer class and unusually for Elder Dempster was registered in London, whilst most were registered in Liverpool. The William Wilberforcewas torpedoed and sunk by U 511 on the 9th January 1943, west of Madeira on a voyage from Lagos and Takoradi to Liverpool with a cargo of West African products, palm oil, palm kernels and rubber. There were 60 survivors, 3 seamen were lost.
Andreas Schweimer writes:
This month’s ship must have been the MV Alfred Jones of Elder Dempster Lines, Liverpool. Built by Harland and Wolff, Govan (Yard no. 8686) in 1930. Dimensions were: 4,022grt (sometimes cited as 5,013grt), 2,155 net 5,650 dwt, 370.6 x 51.6 x 20.1 feet, 652 mhp by yard built B&W type oil engine. For the West African trade she had a heavy lift derrick at each mast and four surf boats aft. Her end came on 1st June 1944 at about noon in position about 8º N 14º W near Freetown by two torpedoes from the German U-107. The c/o of U-107 was Kptit/L Cdr. Hessler, son-in-law of Admiral Doenitz. Alfred Jones was underway from Liverpool to Takoradi with aircraft and military stores and was dispersed from a convoy. When the first torpedo hit it was attempted to lower the port boats with no success. After the second impact the whole crew was forced to jump overboard. Due to her guns in crates on her upper deck Hessler believed that she was in fact a special service or decoy ship. Two of the crew of 35 lost their lives.
Laurance Ward writes
I believe this ship to be the Alfred Jones owned by Elder Dempster Lines of Liverpool. Built be Harland & Wolff Ltd., Govan, Glasgow for British & African Steam Navigation Co. Ltd, of Liverpool. GRT 4,022, 2,155 net tonnage and sdwt 5,650. Registered in Liverpool. O’all length 370.60 feet, beam 51.60 feet and draught 20.10 feet. B & W oil engine, built by Harland & Wolff Ltd., Govan, Glasgow, 4SCSA , 8 cyl., 652nhp, speed 12.5 knots.
On 1st January 1935 she was transferred to Elder Dempster Lines Ltd., of Liverpool.
On 27th October 1940 she was torpedoed whilst in convoy B234 in position 56deg N, 12deg 08W., eleven lives being lost, however, the ship reached the Clyde under escort.
Unfortunately, her luck finally ran out and she was torpedoed on 1st June 1941 by U107 in position 8deg N 15deg W, whilst on a voyage from Ellesmere Port and Liverpool to Freetown and Bathurst, carrying aircraft, steel and military stores. Two members of the crew being lost.
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