The winner of the March competition was Mick Filbee of Peacehaven.
Mick Filbee writes:
This month’s ship is Court Line’s m/v Hannington Court, she was built at Sunderland in 1954 by Bartram & Sons, Yard number 342, she had a grt of 6,266 and was powered by 6 cyl 4 stroke B & W oil engine. In 1963 she sold and renamed Ghandi Jayanti, and in April 1976 she was broken up in Bombay, the end of a nice ship.
A D Frost writes:
The February Unknown Ship is Haldin & Philipps Ltd.(Court Line) mv Hannington Court, built in 1954 by Bartram & Sons. Sold 1963 renamed Gandhi Jayanti (Jayanti Shipping). In 1974 renamed Gandhi (Shipping Corp. of India). Broken up at Bombay in 1974.
Mike West writes:
I am sure that the March Mystery Ship is one of the vessels owned by Haldin & Phillups Co. Ltd., London (Court Line). She is the 1954 built Hannington Court of 6,266grt, and was a motor vessel built by Bartram & Sons. In 1963 she was sold to Jayanti SS Co. of Bombay and renamed Gandhi Jayanti, and in 1974 she was sold on to the Shipping Corporation of India as the Gandhi. She was scrapped in Bombay in April 1976.
Laurance Ward writes:
This ship is the Hannington Court, built for Court Line Ltd., London (managed by Haldin & Co. Ltd., London). Built by Bartram & Sons Ltd., Sunderland, launched 19/07/1954 and completed in December 1954. Registered in London.
Dimensions: O’all length 476ft., beam 62ft., draught 27ft., grt 6,266, nett tonnage 3,467. Single screw, 12.5 knots. Engines: 6 cyl. 4 stroke cycle single-acting (4S.C.SA) B&W oil engine built by J.G. Kincaid & Co. Ltd.,, Greenock. In 1963 she was sold to Jayanti Shipping Co. Ltd., Bombay and renamed Gandhi Jayanti and flying the Indian flag.
From 1967 she was managed by the Shipping Corporation of India Ltd., Bombay, no change to the name and flag. In 1974 she was renamed Gandhi and owned by the Shipping Corporation of India Ltd., Bombay and was finally sold for scrap to Universal Shipbreakers Ltd., Bombay.
John Powell writes:

The ship is Court Lines’, London registered, Hannington Court (III), 6266grt, built 1954 by Bartram & Sons, Sunderland. Fitted with a 6-cyl B&W engine by J G Kincaid & Co.Ltd., Greenock, giving a speed of 12.5 knots. Sold in 1963 to become Gandhi Jayanti of the Shipping Corporation of India Ltd. who renamed her Gandhi in 1974. Sold in 1976 to Universal Ship Breakers Ltd., Bombay for demolition.
Alan Blackwood writes:
Instantly recogniseable as a unit of Court Line’s fleet, this month’s ‘unknown’ is the 6,266 grt open shelter decker MV Hannington Court, the fourth of a series of seven similarly designed but not identical tramps constructed by three British yards during the period 1952-57 and placed under the management of the London based Haldin & Company Ltd. All but one of the group were furnished with similar marque J.G. Kincaid constructed oil engines. Hannington Court was completed by Bartram & Sons at their South Dock, Sunderland yard during December 1954. With dimensions of 476′ (loa) x 444’11″(lbp) x 62′, she had a deadweight tonnage of 10,920 and a service speed of 12.5 knots. During the 1962/ 63 period, the first five of the sisters were sold to the Indian flag operator Jayanti Shipping Company Limited, Bombay (The Shipping Corporation of India Ltd. Of Bombay, Managers). Hannington Court was passed to her new owners during 1963 when renamed Gandhi Jayanti. 10 years later, her registered ownership was transferred initially without name change to The Shipping Corporation of India Ltd. but during 1974 however, the Jayanti suffix was dropped. The vessel was delivered to shipbreakers at Bombay (Mumbai) during April 1976.
John Chitty writes:
The featured ship is Court Lines mv Hannington Court, Managers Haldin & Co. Ltd. Built by Bartram & Sons of Sunderland as yard no.342, being launched on 19th July 1954, completed in December of that year, completing trials on the 9th December. Official no. 186168, dimensions – GRT 6,266, NRT 3,467, loa 476ft, beam 62ft, depth 27ft. Powered by a 6 cylinder B&W 4 stroke engine driving a single screw giving a speed of 12.5 knots. In 1963 she was sold to Jayanti Shipping Co. Ltd. of Bombay and R/n Ghandi Jayanti. In 1967 management was transferred to Shipping Corp. of India with same name. In 1974 renamed Ghandi with same management. In April 1976 vessel arrived at Universal Shipbreakers of Bombay for demolition.
John Livingstone writes:
This month’s unknown ship is the Hannington Court built for the Court Line by Bartram & Sons, South Dock, Sunderland in 1954, engined by John G Kinkaid & Co. Ltd. of Greenock. I do not know much about her service with the Court Line. She was sold to Indian buyers in 1963.
John Jordan writes:
This one looks like a Court Line ship, MV Framlington Court, built in 1952 by William Pickersgill, Sunderland. She had a Kincaid built engine giving a service speed of 12 Knots. She was eventually sold on, in 1962, to Jayanti Shipping Co. of Bombay and renamed Laxmi Jayanti. In 1970 she was sold to a London Greek Company and renamed Spyros. In 1973 on her 21st birthday she sank!
Mike Goadby writes:
This month’s unknown ship is the Court Line Ltd. mv Hannington Court, built in 1954 at Sunderland by Bartram & Sons. Sold in 1962 to Jayanti Shipping Co., Bombay and renamed Gandhi Jayanty. Sold in 1974 and renamed Gandhi. Scrapped at Bombay in 1976.
Gerald Dodd writes:

I believe that March’s ship of the month is the Hannington Court, of the Court Line. Built in 1954 by Bartrams, as part of the Court Line’s post world war 2 rebuilding programme. The managers were Haldin & Co. of London. In 1963, she was sold and became the Gandhi Jayanti and in 1974 she became the Gandhi. The ship was broken up in 1976 at Bombay.
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