From Galley Boy to Tug Master

Book of the month ISBN: 978-0-9955081-3-2

by Capt. Charles Noble MBE

This is a personal seafaring account written in his own words by Captain Charles Noble M.B.E.

Charlie started his seagoing career on the steam tug Merman in 1946 and worked his way up through the ranks the hard way, working on several of United Towing Company’s seagoing and docking tugs to become in 1957 Master of the Steam Tug Norman.

The 1973-76 Icelandic Cod wars found Charlie Serving aboard the States man and later Euroman (1) which were being used as “buffer tugs”, protecting the trawlers against the Icelandic gun boats, from which he was awarded his MBE.

In 1982 Charlie flew out to the Falkland Islands with a relief crew to join the salvage tug Irish man, which along with the tugs Yorkshire man, Salvageman and Euroman(2) did sterling work during and after the Falklands war.

This is a very interesting book about an area of shipping that is often overlooked.

It is backed up by some very good photographs and I would very highly recommend it.


Published by:


Black Tree Publishing

Gemini House

Lee Smith Street,

Hull HU9 1SD


Paperback: A4, 96 pp illustrated

Price: £13.99 + £2 p&p £9.99 + £2 p&p for UTSS members



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