The life and times of Captain John Isbester from Shetland
by Captain Jack Isbester
After four years as a fisherman in the stormy waters around Shetland, John Isbester chose to spend his next forty years in large square-rigged sailing ships from Liverpool at a time when shipping casualties were all too common. Remarkable feats of survival and tragic deaths are described with clarity and detail. Happier times are also remembered with picnics in Sydney harbour with captain, family and friends transported in the ship’s longboat, rowed by the eight apprentices.
The author, also a professional mariner, has compiled a record of the life of his grandfather from diligent research of shipping records held in the many parts of the world to which John Isbester sailed. Technical issues are illustrated with numerous diagrams for the reader and there are new insights into the loss of the Dalgonar and the acclaimed saving of 26 of the crew.
This is a very well written book telling a fascinating story of a bygone era and I would highly recommend it to our readers.

Published by:
Whittles Publishing

Paperback: 240mm x 170mm, 256 pp illustrated
Price: £18.99
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