A typical sight in Liverpool in April 1969. On the left is Federal Steam Navigation Company’s Essex ahead of Shaw Savill’s Doric. In the distance is Harrison Line’s Tactician. The 10,936grt Essex was built in 1954 by John Brown at Clydebank. In 1975 she was sold to Guan Guan Shipping of Singapore and renamed Golden Gulf. On 13th November 1977 she arrived at Gadani Beach to be broken up. The 10,074grt Doric was built in 1949 by Fairfields at Govan. On 3rd May 1969 she arrived at Tamise to be broken up by J.Booel et Fils. The 8,844grt Tactician was built in 1961 by Wm. Doxford and Sons at Pallion. In 1979 she was sold to Petralia Navigation of Cyprus and renamed Sea Luck and in 1980 she moved to Naviera Neptuno SA of Peru and was renamed Kero. On 15th May 1987 she arrived at Pisco, Peru to be broken up. Photo: Nigel Lawrence

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