The Stornoway painted by the author
The Stornoway painted by the author

The full rigged ship Stornoway was built by Alexander Hall of Aberdeen for Jardine & Matheson and launched in September 1850. Her classification was 12A1 – at 527 tons in the new measurement her other dimensions were 157 feet x 28 feet x 17 feet 6 inches. The Stornoway was one of the last of the old style ships with hemp standing rigging, outside channels, single topsails and t’gallants, while crossing skysails on the fore and main masts. Nevertheless, the dainty little Stornoway proved to be an extremely fast little ship.

The Chrysolite, was another tea clipper synonymous with the Stornoway, and those two ships were said to be the first British designed tea clippers. Compared with the Torrington of 1845, which was a schooner rigged opium clipper, the Stornoway and Chrysolite were both ship rigged, a fact which gives added credence to the claim that they were the first ever British tea clippers.

Stornoway’s building costs amounted to £9,948-16s-6d.

Her first captain was John Robertson who made two voyages in the ship. The first was when he sailed the homeward bound Stornoway from Whampoa to the UK in 104 days, and the second in 107 days. These were the fastest passages the ship made as a tea clipper.

Also on his second voyage was the much acclaimed race with the Chrysolite

On the homeward passage of her second voyage, the Stornoway raced the clipper named Chrysolite which was also built by Alexander Hall of Aberdeen. Both ships left Whampoa, China, on 9th July 1852 loaded with tea. They were neck and neck with each other for 21 days racing down the China Sea. After 45 days and still in sight of each other, the Chrysolite eased away and arrived at Liverpool on 22nd October after being 104 days out, whilst the Stornoway arrived 3 days later.

The Stornoway and Chrysolite were the two fastest British ships on the China tea run, but both visited Australia in the latter years, taking general cargo out before crossing to China for tea.


In 1867 the ship was sold to Welch & Co. of Newcastle and cut down to a barque. With a drastically reduced crew she was used as a collier until 1871.Then she was sold to R. Chapman also of Newcastle and continued carrying coal from the Tyne to the Thames. In 1873 she was sent to the Mediterranean to carry fruit back to London. But as a fruit carrier on the 7th June 1873 under Captain Greener, Stornoway was wrecked on the Kentish Knock at the mouth of the Thames.

During her career Stornoway was commanded by the following captains:-

1850-53: Capt. J. Robertson

1853-62: Capt. H. L. Hart

1863-64: Capt. Watson

1865-68: Capt. T. Tomlins

1869-72: Capt. J. Waugh

1872-73: Capt. G. Greener


Wallaroo Times 30th September 1865

At Thames Police Court, Captain Thomas Tomlins, Master of ship Stornoway, and 1st mate Matthew Read, appeared to answer a charge of violently assaulting and falsely imprisoning Able Seaman George Baker. The AB who possessed a Master’s certificate, joined the Stornoway at Sydney in February last, and was working his passage to the UK as an able seaman. On 12th May, after being at wheel for 2 hours, Mr Baker claimed that 1st Mate Read abused him saying that he was no sailor but a soldier. He told the Mate that he was as good a man as himself. The Mate struck him on the mouth and his lips bled profusely. Baker raised a wooden belaying pin, but before he could use it the 1st mate seized it and forced his head onto the rail, threw him to the deck and punched him with great violence then jumped on him. Captain Tomlins came out of his cabin and said “that will do Mr. Read” then ordered the Mate to drag Baker aft. Mr Baker was imprisoned for 7 days, 18 hours. For 2 days of that time was not allowed any food but was kept in sail locker which was 3/4 full of damp sails and very hot. He was allowed only 2 hours of exercise a day. On his release he was so ill he could not work for 10 days. Witnesses confirmed Baker’s statements. Defendants committed for trial.


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