Can any reader identify this vessel?
April’s unknown ship brought many replies most of whom identified her as the Bostondyke.

The winner of the April competition was Alan Blackwood of Troon.

Alan Blackwood writes:

This month’s ‘unknown’ is the Hull based Klondyke Shipping Company’s single screw 1,173 grt short sea steamer Bostondyke. launched as Springwear on 19th May 1936, she was the first of three essentially identical sisters completed during that year by Short Brothers ltd. at their Pallion Yard to the order of the Springwell Shipping Company ltd. of London via the auspices of the British government 1935 sanctioned ‘Scrap and Build’/ loan programme, (The British Shipping (assistance) act, 1935). With dimensions of 221.3 x 36.2 x 14.1 feet and powered by a 676 IHP triple expansion main engine constructed by the North Eastern Marine Engineering Co. ltd. of Sunderland she achieved a maximum speed of 10 knots to return a loaded service speed of 8 knots. Together with her two sisterships, Springwear’s registered ownership was transferred during 1937 to the High Hook Shipping Company ltd. of London with Messrs. Culliford & Clark ltd. appointed managers and then renamed Highwear. during 1952 she was sold for further trading to R. Muller of Cuxhaven with E. Ottens as Manager and renamed Hannes. The Klondyke Shipping Company ltd. acquired the vessel during 1953, returning her to the British Flag as Bostondyke with Port of Registry of Hull. She was withdrawn from Klondyke’s service during 1962 when passed to the ownership of the Piraeus based Ventouris Brothers for continued operations under the Greek flag and further renamed Panagia Odigitria. During 24th November 1964 whilst departing Leningrad at commencement of a voyage to Ghent with a cargo of timber, she ran aground sustaining significant bottom damage and a flooded engine room. Refloated two days later, she was declared a CTL on 30th November and later scrapped.

John Jordan writes:

This ship was built in Sunderland in 1936 by Shorts Brothers. Her name as depicted is Bostondyke , registered in Hull. She was originally launched as Springwear later Highwear for Springwell shipping company of London. She was subsequently named Hannes, Bostondyke, Panagia, and finally Odighitria. She was a four hatch , raised quarterdeck coaster of 1,200 tons. She had a length of 230ft, beam 36ft, and draft of 14ft.

D. Frost writes:

April’s unknown ship is Klondyke Shipping’s


Bostondyke, built in 1935 by Short Bros., Sunderland as Springwear for Springwell Shipping. She was renamed Highwear, Hannes, Bostondyke, Panagia Odighitria. She was wrecked outside Leningrad on 24.11.64 & broken up.

Mike Filbee Writes:

This old lady is the s/s Bostondyke. at that time the owners were the Klondyke Shipping company of Hull. She was built in 1936 by Short Bros. at the Pallion yard in Sunderland as the Springwear then in 1937 she was renamed Highwear, also for the Springwell Shipping Co of Hull. She was not named the Bostondyke until 1953 and served with Klondyke Shipping until 1962. Her last name was the Panagia Odighitria and on 24/11/64 was wrecked outside Leningrad and broken up.

Mike Goadby writes:

This month’s unknown ship is the 1,173 grt steamship Bostondyke, owned by Klondyke Shipping Co. of Hull. She was built in 1936 by Short Bros. ltd. at Sunderland as Springwear for Springwell Shipping Co. of London. on 12th June 1944 as the Highwear she was engaged in the Normandy landings transporting ammunition to Omaha beach, and the vessel was blown ashore in severe weather. She was refloated on the 8th July with the help of three tugs and towed to the Solent and then to the Tyne for repairs. on drydocking it was revealed that she had damage to her rudder, propeller and 90 bottom plates. She also carried further names of Hannes, Panagia and Odigitria.

John Chitty writes:The April mystery ship is the Klondyke Shipping Company’s Bostondyke. Built at Short Bros. Pallion yard as the Springwear in 1936, as yard no. 445, for the Springwell Shipping Co. of London, with dimensions of length 67.4m, beam 11m and grt 1,173. She was renamed by them as the Highwear in 1937. in 1952 she was sold to E. Ottens and renamed Hannes before being sold on to Klondyke Shipping in 1953 and renamed Bostondyke. in 1962 she moved on to Ventouris Brothers and was renamed Panagia Odighitria, sailing with them until wrecked outside Leningrad on 24.11.1964.

Nigel Williams writes:

The April unknown Ship is the vessel Bostondyke, which was built in 1936. She was operated by Klondyke Shipping.

Derick Goubert writes:

April’s unknown ship is Klondyke Shipping Co. ltd.’s Bostondyke 1,177 grt built by Short Bros Sunderland in 1936 as Springwear for Springwell Sg. Co. ltd., (Culliford & Clark ltd. managers), of 230.5ft loa, 36.2ft bp and 14.1ft d, and powered by T3 Cy by N. E. Marine Eng. Co. ltd., Sunderland. in 1937 she was bought by High Hook Shipping Co. ltd. and renamed Highwear. Managed from 1948 by Newbigin Steam Shipping Co. ltd. Sold in 1952 to German owners and renamed Hannes. Bought by Klondyke in 1953 and renamed Bostondyke. Sold by them in 1962 to Ventouris Bros., Greece renamed Panagia Odigitria, grounded at Leningrad 26/11/64, she was refloated and scrapped.




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