2M: The 2M alliance between Maersk Line and MSC cancelled its so-called Condor service connecting Asia and Europe, effective mid-September. The Condor service, which has a nominal weekly capacity of 9,500 TEU, ceased operation on 14th September and will be deployed as a seasonal service if there is sufficient demand. This line called at Southampton and will be replaced from October 2015 by 2M’s aE2/Swan service that employs the consortium’s largest ships including Maersk Line’s Triple-E vessels.

G6 Alliance: Poland’s Port of Gdansk handled its first g6 alliance-affiliated container ship, Hapag Lloyd’s 142,295gt/2013 built/13,167 TEU Hong Kong Express (above), on 11th August. The maiden call followed the announcement by g6 alliance to include Port of Gdansk in their Loop 7 port rotation, a weekly service calling at six European ports in the following rotation: Rotterdam, Hamburg, Gdansk, Gothenburg, Antwerp and Southampton, before crossing the Indian Ocean to Asia. In Asia, Loop 7 calls Qingdao, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Yantian and Singapore.
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