2M: The 2M carriers Maersk Line and Mediterranean Shipping Co. have released their full service rotations for their proposed co-operation. The two carriers plan to operate six services on the Asia-north Europe trade lane, five between Asia and the Mediterranean, three from North America to north Europe, two from North America to the Mediterranean, four from Asia to the North American west coast and two between Asia and the North American east coast. Both services to the North American east coast from Asia transit the Suez Canal, not the Panama Canal. The proposed network features a new direct connection from Shanghai to the Black Sea and a new direct service from Le Havre and Gothenburg to ports in Japan. On 9th October the U.S. Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) announced that it will allow the 2M Vessel Sharing Agreement (VSA) to come into effect. The U.S.A was the only remaining jurisdiction where the VSA had to obtain approval. Maersk Line and MSC can now implement the VSA as planned from January 2015.

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