Plantours Kreuzfahrten‘s cruise ship Hamburg (above) returned to Kiel on 10th August ready for service after spending over two months receiving extensive repairs. The German cruise line had to charter the 600-passenger Deutschland after their 420-passenger ship developed a propulsion issue off the coast of Kent when a fishing line became tangled in the propellers. A few days later the 15,067gt/1997 built ship called at Tobermory en route from Dublin to Hamburg on 11th May 2015. The ship contacted the seabed when heading into Tobermory Bay and the propeller struck a rock causing the ship to temporarily black out. The port engine could no longer be used and the ship then limped on to Belfast. After arrival in port the ship was inspected and a visit to dry dock was instructed. The Deutschland conveyed 13,200 Plantours passengers over 2,200 nautical miles in the 62 days that she was on charter.
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