Brittany Ferries’ Mont St. Michel returned to service complete with her giant exhaust scrubber system on 18th December. She had arrived at Cherbourg from Santander’s Astander Shipyard on 10th December for restoring and operated a special 1400 Cherbourg-Portsmouth to resume service. The Pont Aven departed Portsmouth for Cherbourg on 4th January to de-store prior to sailing to Gdansk for refit and the installation of her scrubber system. The Armorique headed for dry dock the same week, travelling to the Astander yard in Santander. She too will receive a scrubber system. A major employment dispute is threatening Brittany Ferries services as the Worker’s Council is taking court action. Curiously most of the workers appear to be largely on the side of the company and want the court action to be stopped. The Pont Aven’s Christmas and New Year Cruises were cancelled over fears that this action could disrupt the special trips. CalMac is to make the Ardrossan- Campbeltown summer ferry service permanent from 2016.
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