Seatruck Ploughs On
In what is normally the quieter summer period, Seatruck Ferries has continued to forge ahead with strong growth and new service offerings on its Irish Sea routes. The company saw an impressive 24.9% increase in the volume of unaccompanied trailers in August compared with 2015. Seatruck now operates 66 departures per week across its 3 regular routes, Heysham-Warrenpoint, Heysham- Dublin and Liverpool-Dublin. The strongest growth has been seen on the Liverpool- Dublin service where Seatruck recently added a 3rd dedicated freight vessel allowing operators to take advantage of two prime departures each evening from Liverpool for next day traffic. The Heysham-Warrenpoint is also on course to hit record volumes in 2016 with growth well in excess of the market level.
In addition to these successes, Seatruck has commenced a weekend service connecting Bristol with Dublin. The new service uses a Seatruck vessel that would otherwise be idle at the weekend, to ship trade cars etc.
DFDS news

On 17th August the 37,939gt/2004 built Primula Seaways vacated Floating Drydock III at Lloyd Werft in Bremerhaven after the successful addition of a 30m midship section (above). She was then introduced onto the Ghent-Gothenburg route. The shipyard will not comment after new owners Genting decided to centralise all newbuilding activities in the three yards of MV Werften so what the future holds for this splendid yard is not entirely certain. Also on 17th August, DFDS sailed into the Guinness Book of World Records when a giant Lego ship assembled piece-by-piece by DFDS employees around the world was unveiled in Copenhagen. At 12.035 metres long and 1.67 metres wide, the newly-christened Jubilee Seaways is the largest Lego ship ever assembled.
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