Scotland: At 0150 on 18th February the 7,409gt/2000 built and 160 TEU Lysblink Seaways of DFDS ran aground near Ardnamurchan Point, north of the Isle of Mull, off the west coast of Scotland. The DFDS LogisitcsRederi AS ship developed a minor leak on the starboard side but pollution was considered to be a low risk by the MCA. DFDS appointed two salvage companies, Svitzer and Smit, with a team of two – Salvage Master and Naval Architect. The tugs Forth Jouster (255gt/2008 built) and Kingdom of Fife (1,459gt/2008 built) were sent to the scene with the MCA also tasking the 1,641gt/1980 built rescue tug vessel Herakles that was patrolling near Orkney.
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