Cyprus Sea Lines’ 54,592gt/2005 built CSL Virginia was the unfortunate vessel to be ‘T-boned’ by Cotunav’s 17,097gt/1997 built Ro-Pax vessel Ulysse on 7th October as she lay at anchor about 28 kilometres north-west of Cape Corsica in the Mediterranean (above). The two ships were locked together until 11th October but the bow-shaped hole punched in the starboard side of the CSL Virginia ruptured bunker tanks and caused an oil spill that was largely contained. The Ulysse continued to Tunisia when released from the container ship and, after a total of some 3 weeks, the 5,000 TEU capacity CSL Virginia was cleared to head for dry dock at the Port of Constanta, Romania, at a speed of 10 knots. All excess fuel was removed from the ship to prevent further risk of spillage and the voyage took around 10 days.
The 112,967gt/2018 built, 335m long and 10,100 TEU capacity CMA CGM Mumbai collided with the quayside at Jawaharlal Nehru Port outside Mumbai, India on 13th October, causing damage to the dock and the ship’s bow. The ship appeared to go out of control and hit the quay despite efforts to stop her. The ship operates on the FAL Asia-Europe service and was delivered on 21st May to Seaspan.
The 25,431gt/2016 built Oldendorff Carriers vessel Erna Oldendorff struck the Oshima Bridge on her way to Etajima, Japan on 22nd October. The ship was moved to an anchorage and the cause of the accident was under investigation. Local reports suggested that the incident ruptured a water pipe under the bridge, leaving hundreds of local properties without water supply.
On 3rd November three ships were involved in a collision at Kaoshiung Port, Taiwan, when the 5,557gt/2012 built tanker Der Yun was switching berths and collided with the smaller tanker Kin Shing that was heading out of the port. In trying to get clear of the Der Yun, the Kin Shing then accidentally contacted the 3,409gt/2014 built containership Setsu Maru.

Over the weekend of 3rd/4th November the 3,091gt/1976 built cement carrier Fjordvik ran aground on a breakwater outside the port of Helguvik on the west coast of Iceland. The ship was inward bound from Aalborg in Denmark, with Pilot aboard, in strong winds when she somehow missed the harbour entrance and ended up broadside against the rocky breakwater. The grounding caused a hull breach and oil spill whilst continual pounding by the waves was sure to spell the end of this 94m long/4,117dwt ship. The weather is believed to have been a factor in the incident but the cause was under investigation.
The Norwegian frigate HNoMS Helge Ingstad collided with the 62,557gt/2017 built oil tanker Sola TS near the Sture terminal in Øygarden, Norway on 8th November. The collision left the Naval ship with a large gash below the waterline and she was deliberately run ashore to prevent the ship from sinking (above). The vessel’s helicopter deck was submerged where she lay and a severe list to starboard developed whilst a minor fuel leak was also spotted. There were 23 people on board the oil tanker and 137 aboard the frigate, 8 of whom were injured. The Frigate has since sunk.
Shipyard News
Babcock International’s Appledore Shipyard in North Devon, is set to close in March 2019 following an announcement on 1st November. The closure coincides with the end of the present site lease and will see all members of the 199 strong workforce losing their jobs. Positions have been offered at Devonport Dockyard for anyone wishing to relocate. Indeed, 140 of the employees are already on short-term redeployment contracts to Devonport following the slow decline of the Appledore site.
Uljanik Group of Croatia continues to struggle amid contract cancellations, financial woes and industrial action. The company President resigned on 31st October, something that was one of the demands from the shipbuilder’s unionised workers, who have been on strike. A solution for the embattled shipbuilder has been offered by Brodosplit, part of the DIV Group, and Italian shipbuilding giant Fincantieri. The proposal is to take over Uljanik and the 3. Maj site.

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