Nova Star Cruises has been seeking a winter charter for its ship, the 27,744gt/2014 built Nova Star and, rather surprisingly, news broke at the end of July that the ship was to travel to the UK for a Ramsgate-Boulogne service. The company linked to this is Euroferries Express Ltd. and Euroferries has already failed to produce a promised ferry service from Kent on 4-5 occasions.
This news forced Thanet District Council to issue a statement on 5th August confirming that there is no agreement with Euroferries Express Ltd. to facilitate a cross-channel ferry service between Ramsgate and Boulogne. Any statements to the contrary regarding the council-owned port are both inaccurate and misleading.
Nova Star Cruises insisted that it had signed an agreement with the latest incarnation of Euroferries and that it was up to the latter to address the logistics with the start date supposed to have been November 2015. The Nova Star’s sailing season between Portland and Yarmouth ends on 13th October with passenger numbers for the 2015 operation described as disappointing.

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