The Port of Aqaba lies around 98 miles from the Tiran Straits at the junction of the Gulf of Aqaba with the Red Sea, and is on the eastern side of the head of the Gulf, opposite from the Port of Eilat (Israel) and the Egyptian shore of the Gulf on its western side. The Gulf of Aqaba is from six to ten miles wide, and the Port of Aqaba is the only seaport of Jordan, and consists of three sites, with the Main Port near the city of Aqaba, the Middle Port five kilometres to the south of the Main Port, and the Southern Industrial Port 18 kilometres to the south of the Main Port on the eastern side of the Gulf of Aqaba. It is owned by the Aqaba Development Corporation (ADC), and is operated by five operators. These are the Aqaba Port Corporation for port management and operation, Aqaba Container Terminal (ACT), the Jordanian Industrial Port Company, the Arab Phosphate Company, and the National Electricity Power Company.

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