A fine array of shipping at Tallinn’s Paljassaare port in August 2022. From left to right are seen, the stern of the 2,999dwt tanker Skorpion, the 2,999gt Kristel, the 2,446gt Rix Mistral, the 1,987gt Dolfijn, the 2,039gt Rix Pacific and the 324gt tug Karl-Erik.
The Skorpion of Starbunker OU of Tallinn was built in 1970 by Flekkefjord Slippen & Maskinfabrik in Southern Norway as the Ekfjord for Rederi A/B Ekfjord. In 1976 she moved to Claes-Goran Karlsson P/R and was renamed Sivona. In 1993 she became Picasso of Dala Rederi och Forvaltnings A/B and in 1996 she joined Sirius Rederi A/B as Sirius. She became Skorpion in 2001.
The Kristel of Hansa Shipping of Tallinn was built in 1999 by Yichnag Shipyard in China as the Greta for Greta Shipping BV of Rotterdam. In 2012 she joined New Constellation Ltd. of Malta and was renamed New Constellation. She beacme Kristel in 2016.

The Rix Mistral of Rix Shipmanagement of Riga was built in 1997 by Slovenske Lodenice at Komarno as the Pur Navolok for Russian North Shipping. She became Rix Mistral in 2017.
The Dolfijn of Pegasus Shipmanagement of Riga was built in 1989 by Buys Gebr. at Krimpen a/d Ijssel and has retained her name since then.
The Rix Pacific of Rix Shipmanagement was built in 1998 by Giurgiu SN of Romania as the Emmaplein for CV Scheepvaartonderneming Emmaplein. In 2004 she moved to Briese Schiffahrts GmbH and was renamed Neptun. She became Rix Pacific in 2015.
The Karl-Erik of GBS Shipmanagement of Germany was built in 1975 by Asi-Verken at Amal, Sweden as the Hector for C.L. Hanssons Bogserings AB, becoming Karl-Erik in 1991.

Photo: Nigel Lawrence
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