Port Klang, also known as Port Kelang, will be better known to most readers as Port Swettenham. It is now the thirteenth busiest port in the world with cargo throughput of 175 million tonnes per year and a container throughput of 10.9 million TEU per year. It lies around forty kilometres west of Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia, and was known before 12th January 1972 as Port Swettenham. Ben Line had begun calling at Malayan ports from Leith and East coast U.K. ports from 1859, and Blue Funnel Line from West coast U.K. ports from 1865. Their ships and crews called regularly at the three big ports of Penang, and Ocean Wharf at Port Swettenham from 1914, and Singapore on the Malayan peninsula. However, Port Swettenham was the favourite of these three ports for a run ashore to the local hostelries from the two berths of Ocean Wharf at Port Swettenham, as there was little difficulty in finding the ship again, unlike Penang and Singapore. The port lies just three degrees above the equator, with monsoon conditions at times and an average of 33 degrees Centigrade in the shade for most of the year.
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