The long established Henderson Line of Glasgow produced some very fine combined passenger and cargo-liners in the inter-war years, starting with Amarapoora and Pegu of 1920/21, then the three ship series of Kemmendine, Sagaing and Yoma in service between 1921 and 1928, and ending with Prome and Salween of 1937 and 1938. They were very similar in appearance to the smaller anchor Line of Glasgow liners engaged in the Indian and Eastern trade, but could be distinguished by their all grey masts and derricks. They traded to Burma and were named after forts, rivers and places on the great Irrawaddy river, indeed Henderson Line had first begun trading in the area in 1865 with river craft owned by the Irrawaddy Flotilla Company on this wide and fast flowing river. The deep sea ships carried manufactured goods outwards and rice, paddy (rice in the husk), tapioca, teak, cotton, blocks of jade, lacquerware, silk, cane sugar ‘jaggery’, tamarind, woven mats, tobacco, timber, precious stones, native products, and oil cake and oil products homewards.
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