December’s unknown ship brought only a few replies all of which identified her as the Pencarrow. The winner was Alan Blackwood of Dundonald, South Ayrshire
Alan Blackwood writes:
December’s ‘unknown’ is the 4,841 grt single screw steam tramp Pencarrow, completed during July 1921 by Irvine’s Shipbuilding & Drydocks Co. Ltd at their Middleton, West Hartlepool yard for the Chellew Steam Navigation Company Ltd. of London, and registered at Falmouth, with her management vested in F.C. Perman. With overall dimensions of 402′ 0″ x 52′ 0″ and a maximum draft of 24′ 3″, her propulsion machinery consisted of a triple expansion steam engine fed by steam at 180 psi from three single ended boilers, all constructed by Richardsons Westgarth & Co. Ltd. at their Harlepool facility, to return a speed of 10 knots. During 1930 her registered ownership was amended to that of the Chellew Navigation Co. Ltd. without name or PoR change. Her management was transferred to Baden H. Roberts of London during 1948. The vessel was sold out of the Chellew fleet during 1952 to Cia. Maritima Tees S.A. when renamed Avon, for continued trading under the flag of Panama and jointly managed by Arthur Jurgenthal of Stockholm and Springwell Shipping Co. Ltd. of London. She was sold onwards to Cia. Nav. Staras S.A. during 1955, when renamed Staras for continued operation under the Panamanian flag with S.G. Embiricos of London appointed managers. During June of 1956 her boiler furnaces were converted to oil fuel, at which time the vessel was remeasured at 4,779 grt. She was withdrawn from service and sold to Japanese breakers during 1959 arriving at Hirao,(approx. 70 n.m. WSW of Hiroshima, Honshu Island) on 27th July of the year.

Doug Burn writes:
The December mystery ship is theb Pencarrow, 4,841 g 2,955n tons. Length 402.0 x 52.0 x26.8 feet. She was launched by Irvine’s Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Co. Ltd., West Hartlepool on 25/1/1921and completed 7/1921 and registered in the ownership of R.B. Chellow Steam Nav. Co. Ltd., Cardiff as Pencarrow. In 10/1929 her owners became Chellow Nav. Co. Ltd., Cardiff.
On 3/12/1952 she was sold to Compania Maritima Tees S.A. Panama and renamed Avon. In 1955 she was sold to Compania Navigacion Staras S.A. Panama and renamed Staras. On 27/7/1959 she was scrapped in Hirao Japan. Ironically your photograph shows her with a black funnel normally she would have a white ‘C’ on funnel.

John Jordan writes:
This ship launched in 1921 by Irvine’s Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Co. Ltd. West Hartlepool was owned by Chellew Steam Navigation Company, and named Pencarrow. She was 4841 tons Gross on a length of 402ft, breadth 52ft. and depth 26.8ft. In December 1952 she was sold Panamanian interests and renamed SS Avon. In 1955 she was sold to SG Embiricos Ltd. London under Panamanian Flag again and renamed SS Staras. In July 1959, after 38 years service, she was broken up at Hirao, Japan.

Mike Goadby writes:
This month’s unknown ship is the 4,841 grt steamship Pencarrow built by Irvines Shipbuilding and Drydock Co. Ltd., West Hartlepool, yard no 608. Completed in 1921 for Chellew Steam Navigation Co., Cardiff. Sold in 1952 to Campania Maritima Tees S.A., Panama and renamed Avon. In 1952 she was sold to Campania Navegacion Staros S.A., Panama (S.G. Embericos Ltd., London) and renamed Staras. On 27/7/1959 demolition commenced at Hiro, Japan.
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