Briese Chartering is taking delivery of a series of modern coasters from Zhejiang Zengzhou Shipyard in Zhoushan. The first ship, the 3,415gt Porthos, was delivered in February 2018 and has since been renamed Monika (above). The innovative Open Top Eco 5000 vessels have been designed by Groot Ship Design BV with a very large box-shaped hold and a Groot CrossBow.
Deutsche Binnenreederei AG (DBR), the largest inland waterway transport operator in Germany, has launched a new regular liner service for transporting project and heavy lift cargo on the River Elbe. The new service, the Elbe Project Cargo Line (EPCL), was established thanks to a new co-operation with port operator Sächsische Binnenhäfen Oberelbe GmbH (SBO). The EPCL will ensure a reliable year-round link between SBO inland ports and seaports. To this end the operators will use shallow draught vessels, which will enable efficient transport of project cargo along the Elbe at a fairway depth of 120cm. Push barges servicing the EPCL station in SBO ports will ensure that the required shipping capacity is immediately available. Deutsche Binnenreederei AG is a leader of inland shipping transport in Central and Western Europe. The company handles containers, bulk, oversize and special cargo and has a fleet of over 300 vessels.

Fednav Limited took ownership of a 60th bulk carrier, the 20,673gt/2018 built Federal Dee, on 12th July. The ship is the latest in a series of 22 34,500dwt box-hold handysize bulk carriers ordered from Oshima Shipyard of Japan since 2013. As the world’s largest operator of ice-class dry-bulk carriers and Canada’s leading ocean-going, dry-bulk ship-owning and chartering group, Fednav operates a modern and high-performing bulker fleet of over 100 ships, the majority of which are owned.
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