A.P. Moeller-Maersk A/S announced on 20th September that it is to sell its tanker unit, Maersk Tankers A/S, to the controlling shareholder, APMH Invest A/S (A.P. Moller Holding A/S), for $1.17 million. The sale is the company’s second sale since announcing plans in September 2016 to separate its transport and energy businesses. In August Maersk announced the sale of its Maersk Oil unit to France’s Total SA for $4.95 billion. It does however retain its Maersk Drilling division, which operates oil and gas rigs mainly in the North Sea, and Maersk Supply, a fleet of 44 support ships for offshore operations. The company will continue trading as Maersk Tankers, using the A.P. Moller-Maersk seven-pointed star-logo as part of its brand.
Berge Bulk took delivery of the 109,716gt and 300m long Berge Toubkal, a 210,000dwt Capesize ship, on 29th September. Constructed at China’s Bohai Shipbuilding Heavy Industry shipyard, the 222,000m3 capacity vessel joins sister vessels Berge Zugspitze and Berge Grossglockner, which were handed over to the company in March 2016 and January 2017, respectively. The newbuilding is equipped with a super-long stroke main engine, optimised for low-fuel consumption.
Bibby Line’s battle scarred 33,042gt 2012 built bulk carrier Cheshire was cleared to enter the Spanish Port of Motril on 13th September where she could be relieved of her cargo. The 56,597dwt bulker experienced elevated temperatures in her cargo holds on 12th August whilst laden with a full cargo of fertiliser and was on passage from Norway to Thailand to discharge when she experienced issues. The vessel was scheduled to stop in Las Palmas. Gran Canaria to take on bunkers, but was rerouted due to the lack of suitable facilities. The blaze that ensued rendered the ship immobile for a time. The Cheshire was eventually taken in tow by the 1,316gt 1982 built tug Red Sea Fos on 3rd September.
Clipper Group has sold 16 dry bulk vessels as part of its refinancing agreement with its creditors and these include the group’s latest four multipurpose carriers, whilst the solid bulk carriers remain in Clipper Group’s commercial and technical control. The company did not reveal any further details of the transactions, nor of the financial agreement. Within the last year, Clipper Group had grown its operational bulk fleet from 100 to 150 vessels.

Polaris Shipping signed an $800 million order with Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI) for 10 VLOCs in late September. The 325,000dwt VLOCs will be built in phases by HHI with delivery through to 2021. The VLOC orders by Polaris are for contracts with the Brazilian mining company Vale. Polaris operates a fleet of existing VLOCs converted from VLCCs which have been in the spotlight over safety since the Stellar Daisy sank in the Atlantic in April with the loss of 22 lives. The latest orders bring HHI’s new order total for 2017 to 99 vessels valued at $5.8 billion, a major improvement in just $2 billion worth of orders booked a year earlier. Polaris has disposed of the 148,740gt 1992 built Stellar Cosmo for scrap, a VLOC that was converted from a VLCC.
Diana Shipping Inc., a global owner of dry bulk vessels, announced that, through a separate wholly-owned subsidiary, it has entered into a time charter contract with Unico Logistics Co., Ltd., Seoul, for one of its Panamax dry bulk vessels, the 41,342gt 2013 built Maera. The charter commenced on 19th September and the ship was previously chartered to Transgrain Shipping B.V.
The company decided in October to scrap its 2004 built vessel Melite which sustained damage to her hull as a result of grounding earlier this year. The 76,400dwt vessel was expected to be delivered to the buyer before 30th October. The owner of the 39,964gt 2004 built Melite had submitted a notice of abandonment to the ship’s hull and machinery underwriters, but they had not accepted this notice when the sale was agreed, but had given the go-ahead to the sale of the vessel. The Melite grounded on 26th July off the coast of Pulau Laut, Indonesia while chartered to Uniper Global Commodities.
Navigation Maritime Bulgare (Navibulgar) of Bulgaria has contracted up to six Bluetech 45,000dwt Handymax bulk carriers from China’s Jiangsu Yangzijiang Shipbuilding Group Ltd.

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