The Commodore Clipper returned to Portsmouth after refit at Falmouth on 10th October sporting the 2015 Condor livery and a ghastly pink “high-viz” bridge stripe. After a 4 week absence the news then came that she was going back to Falmouth overnight on 3rd November to have her exhaust scrubbers installed, returning to service around 14th December.
The Commodore Goodwill went to Falmouth on 11th October (with the ‘Clipper taking over her roster) to receive the same livery and a larger funnel casing ready for the installation of her scrubbers in April 2016. The ‘Goodwill was back at Portsmouth on 3rd November to relieve the ‘Clipper.
The Arrow operated the morning departures from Portsmouth throughout the refit period. The Condor Liberation made a visit to St. Malo for berthing trials on 20th October but her woes continue with weather disruption plus technical problems causing cancellations on 29th/30th October.

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